Archived materials of the month

Police (“Public Security”) Zoo

Police (“Public Security”) Zoo

Přidáno: January 1, 2024

Rhinoceros, Jackal or Giraffe? No, this is not an invitation to a zoo. In 1984, the Scientific Development Department of the Federal Directorate of Public Security was tasked to design new vehicles that the police could use in actions…

Christmas Benefits in 1951

Christmas Benefits in 1951

Přidáno: December 14, 2023

Public Response to the Restriction of Christmas Benefits in 1951 – Reports of Regional State Police Directorates After the 1948 coup, the state not only interfered in private ownership but also into the labour relationships, wages, social security, healthcare…

The Broumov Monastery

The Broumov Monastery

Přidáno: November 9, 2023

Archival materials describing the liquidation of male monastic communities by the communist regime as part of the so-called “Mission K” (Akce K in Czech) have now been, for the most part, well-known by academic as well as private researchers….

Operation Beta

Operation Beta

Přidáno: October 1, 2023

In the archive documents of the month (October) we present the third document from the territory of Africa. It is linked to Portuguese Guinea, where an armed struggle for independence has been going on since the 1960s. The most…

Two Letters from Czechoslovakia

Two Letters from Czechoslovakia

Přidáno: September 19, 2023

The plenipotentiary of Boris Yeltzin, the President of the Russian Federation handed over to Vaclav Havel, the President of the Czechoslovak Federative Republic a collection of seven verified copies of documents on 16 July 1992 that had up to…